Tuesday, June 3, 2008

All Aboard!

June is Local's Month in Key West, which means we get to see a lot of cool things for free. Nicholas is a train freak, so (of course) he chose to ride the train tour that goes around the entire town. Nicholas wanted to ride on the last seat of the train, but it faces backwards, so I told him we could sit there the last few minutes of the tour. He fell asleep halfway through, and I couldn't wake him up, so we didn't change seats. He was pretty sad when he woke up to say the least. The next day, we went to the Aquarium, which is also free. When we came out, a train had just ended it's tour. Nicholas ran up and tried to get on the last seat. As we were trying to explain that he needed a special sticker to ride, the conductor came up. We told him how Nicholas wanted to ride in the last row yesterday, and that we plan on coming again later in the week so he could. The conductor said he had to go around the corner and up a few blocks to the train station, so he let the three of us ride on the back row. Our own personal train ride! It was very exciting for Nicholas (who seems to get a lot of cool things for free now that I think of it!). After we got to the train station, the engineer let Nicholas sit in his seat. That made his day!


Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

How fun. That is cool that they do a locals month to do stuff because everything else is so expensive.

Nissa-Lynn said...

muffin- it sounds like so much fun....did you cut your hair? you look amazing...